COVID-19 Big Hearts Policy Update Calling All Climate Champions To Apply

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Sponsorships – Jeff Kibunja – Kiambu High School

The Foundation also partnered with the Directors of Hope Cakes Kenya in sponsoring another successful yet less privileged candidate – Jeff Kibunja. Kibunja was admitted to the prestigious Kiambu High School after a sterling performance. Kibunja comes from a humble...

To Go:$4,500

Sponsorships – Rodah Wanjiku Njeri – Tumu Tumu Gilrs High School

Following the success of the Kanjeru Primary School motivation program, the Foundation took up the sponsorship of Rodah Wanjiku at Tumu Tumu Girls High School. Rodah comes from a humble background and has struggled through primary school with the help of well-wishers....

To Go:$30,000

Kanjeru Primary School – Motivation Program 2021

Challenge The Foundation begun a motivation program at Kanjeru Primary. The program was modeled as a prize giving exercise for every student that improved in subsequent exams. The idea was to motivate each student to do their best with their studies. In addition,...